
Sunday, March 8, 2020

Why are Antiwar Voices Never heard in Mainstream News?

Websites like and The American Conservative both have articles written in a strong antiwar voice. This means that these sites are expressing their opinions opposing war of any kind. We are hearing these views on sites that many people have never heard of and these thoughts are never expressed on mainstream news networks. So why is this?

You watch the news on FOX or CNN. When they talk about politics they somehow always bring up the possibility of war and how the President may get us involved in a war. But never to they talk about the antiwar campaigns and how their views the affect the world view on war. This is because the speech on these news shows are regulated. The people on these shows follow scripts that keep things professional and cause drama.

People who write for antiwar sites are not professionals and their opinion doesn't seem to matter to anyone. But when war is brought up by people on television it raises eyebrows. In a personal opinion I do not believe that the topics of war discussed on news shows are factual or true because what a newscaster can say is regulated to be a proper opinion. I believe this is the wrong thing to do considering that you should be able to speak your own mind, which antiwar sites do but not the professional TV news stations.

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